
الجمعة، 18 مارس 2011

تحديث هوية 'Hartford HealthCare'

الكاتب: Brand New
Hartford HealthCare Logo, Before and After

Hartford HealthCare (HHC) is a network of eleven different organizations and institutions providing, well, healthcare to the city of Hartford and the state of Connecticut. Its flagship institution, Hartford Hospital, was founded in 1854, and the rest include "two regional behavior health centers, a statewide clinical laboratory operation, a large primary care physician practice group, a regional home care system and a physical therapy and rehabilitation network." This month HHC introduced a new identity designed by Landor that takes over all the individual logos of each member of its network.
The new brand strategy and brand architecture ensures that each location retains its current name, but incorporates an affiliation line, "A Hartford HealthCare Partner." Each location uses the new visual identity, which consists of four singular quotation marks set in a continuous circle — representing the patients, providers, communities, and staff — emphasizing dialogue and communication.
Landor Press Release
Hartford HealthCare
Sample of old logos for each institution.
Hartford HealthCare
The full network of logos.
Hartford HealthCare
I can only imagine the disappointment of all those institutions losing their beloved logos but, based on the three-out-of-eleven samples provided, it's for the better. Everything about the old logos, including the main HHC, screamed 1980s — early 1990s if one were generous. I'm not convinced quotation marks are the most relevant visual device for a healthcare network — and judging from the two applications, it's unclear whether they are meant to be single or double quotation marks — but I'll grant that there is something "clinical" about the identity's aesthetic. Very clean, crisp and simple, and it applies very well as a system for all institutions.
Hartford HealthCare
Hartford HealthCare
Hartford HealthCare
Update 03/09/11 @ 5:15 PM: Some additional proof-of-concept images below.
Hartford HealthCare
Hartford HealthCare
Hartford HealthCare
Hartford HealthCare

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